The Annunciation and the Original Face
A Depth Psychological Approach
On March 23-24, 2012 the Charlotte Friends of Jung will be hosting Fisher King Press Author Mariann Burke.
Jung wrote that if he were to choose a religious image to describe the Individuation process, he would choose the Annunciation. While generally in Christianity the Annunciation has been presented as historical, we will consider its message as happening now. In Jung’s view, such images open the way to what lies beyond them and to the wellsprings of soul.
Friday Evening Presentation: Artists introduce us to deeper aspects of ourselves by inviting us into the world of image. Mariann Burke will frame her lecture by a series of Marian images, expressions of the Sacred Feminine, by Fra Angelico, Piero Della Francesco, Poussin, and others. She will explore symbolical meanings in the Annunciation image: the Dove, Mary, Angel, Virgin Birth, to name a few. Moving toward Franck's "Original Face" icon of Mary, she will reflect on the "creative spark" or "pointe vierge," understood both in Christian thought and depth psychology as the "place" or experience in psyche where human and divine meet.
Saturday Workshop: This workshop will offer time to explore further personal responses to the images already shown, as well as another Annunciation by a 20th century artist. Participants will write and/or share their feelings, ideas, and insights as we reflect on the role of the Sacred Feminine in its various manifestations... Mary as one archetypal image... in today's world.
Mariann Burke, RSCJ, is a Jungian analyst living in Newton, MA. She holds graduate degrees from the University of Pittsburgh, Andover- Newton Theological School, and the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Her publications include Mary as Archetype, Advent and Psychic Birth (1993) and more recently, Re-Imagining Mary: A Journey through Art to the Feminine Self (2009). She is on the faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute, Boston.
March 23-24, 2012
Time/Place: Friday Evening: 7:30 pm.
Saturday Morning: 9 am – 1 pm
Movement Dialogues Studio, 4805 Park Rd., Suite 200,
at the corner of Seneca and Park Road.
Cost: Friday evening - $20 members; $25 nonmembers.
Saturday workshop - $40 members; $45 nonmembers.
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Fisher King Press publishes an eclectic mix of worthy books includingJungian Psychological Perspectives, Cutting-Edge Fiction, Poetry,and a growing list of alternative titles.
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